Welcome to Emerald Class 3J! 


Summer Term 2024

Our class read this term is Return to Roar by Jenny McLachlan


We LOVED The Land of Roar last term. The cliff hanger ending made us want to carry on reading! Luckily, there's a sequel. So, this term we are reading it.

Twins Arthur and Rose can’t wait to go back to Roar, the fantasy world they get to through their grandad’s attic. Roar is a land of dragons, mermaids, unicorns, ninja wizards and where anything they can imagine can be real.

But when they return there’s no time for exploring, because a message arrives from their scarecrow enemy, Crowky.


The Box would always contain the things that scared the twins most – and if Crowky gets hold of it, Roar could be in more danger than ever.

Soon they find themselves on another thrilling adventure, accompanied by old friends and new faces and seeing parts of Roar they'd almost forgotten. But will they get to the box before Crowky does? And if it opens, what will they see?

💧 Stunning Start: Sail Away Rivers 💧

This term our Stunning Start day focused on our topic surrounding rivers. In the morning, Emerald class created miniature river models to explore the water cycle using sand, foil tins and, of course, water. They then began making rainmakers and, later in the week, we used the laptops and Chrome Music Lab to ‘draw’ our own music before using our rainmakers to add percussion to our compositions. In the afternoon, Year 3 took a trip to Mill Park. Whilst we were there, we explored the waters inside the park and did a spot of pond dipping. We discovered newts, bugs and snails thanks to Mrs Colton and Mr Wheatley’s net skills (Miss James managed to find a lot of pond weed instead)! We also found a strange new species which we will be writing a newspaper report on in the coming weeks. 

Spring Term 2024

Our class read this term is The Land of Roar by Jenny McLachlan


The first in a new children’s fantasy adventure series, full of imagination, humour and heart, and with echoes of Peter PanThe Chronicles of NarniaThe Neverending Story and Jumanji.

The Land of Roar is perfect for children aged 8 to 12, and can sit on their bookshelf next to NevermoorWizards of Once and How to Train Your Dragon. Readers can bring their fantasy world to life and meet dragons, unicorns, mermaids and more in this beautifully illustrated children’s book.

Believing is just the beginning …

When Arthur and Rose were little, they were heroes in the Land of Roar, an imaginary world that they found by climbing through the folding bed in their grandad’s attic. Roar was filled with things they loved – dragons, mermaids, ninja wizards and adventure – as well as things that scared them (including a very creepy scarecrow…)

Now the twins are eleven, Roar is just a memory. But when they help Grandad clean out the attic, Arthur is horrified as Grandad is pulled into the folding bed and vanishes. Is he playing a joke? Or is Roar … real?

➕ Maths 📏

This term in maths, we started by looking at measurement. We learned how we can find perimeter by measuring masking tape shapes! We then moved onto looking at fractions. This turned out to be perhaps the yummiest part of maths given that it involved PIZZA! Unfortunately, Miss James had some and wouldn't let us have any until we could work out what fraction she had eaten!

🔦 Science: Light 💡

We have been learning all about light! So far, we have identified artificial and natural light sources and looked at how best to protect ourselves from the sun. We experimented with different materials to see which would be best for sunglasses. The yellow plastic that let in and blocked some light was the winner!


🐫Ancient Egyptian Stunning Start! 🐫


Our new topic is... Ancient Egyptians! To start our learning off, we had an Ancient Egyptian Stunning Start Day. 

We started the day by watching the beginning of Tadeo Jones, our stimulus for English this term. We delved into the thoughts and feelings of the character further by acting out the events within the story. We particularly enjoyed being Tadeo and getting to wear an explorer hat! Later on, we explored our very own classroom tomb. We went into the pyramid (under the tables) to search for hidden clues of what Tadeo might find round the corner in our stimulus! 


Then, we learned all about hieroglyphics. We created our very own cartouches, a way in which the Egyptians wrote pharoahs names to show their importance, using hieroglyphs. 


Then, we looked at the gruesome process of mummification. Using clay, we recreated the canopic jars that different organs were stored in. We loved trying to replicated the heads of different Ancient Egyptian gods! 


Finally, we finished the day by creating our own Ancient Egyptian decorative neclaces out of paper plates. 

 🏠 DT: Structure Building 🏠 

This term we completed a DT unit all about building structures. To start, we learnt all about Stone Age homes and we started wondering what they were made out of. We learned that they used natural materials like stones, clay, wood, hide and material to create them. We then designed our own doll-sized Stone Age house and went foraging for our own materials, finding lots of leaves, sticks, rocks and even clay (although that was found in the cupboard)! We then started building our designs using these materials. We started to realise structure building is more technical than we though! 


We then moved on and thought about how we might build a shelter using modern materials. Again, we designed, drew and built a mini model of our structures in teams. We then went to Mill Park and built them full size! We were slightly worried when Miss Bree tested the waterproofness of our shelters by pouring water over them but luckily they were all (fairly) waterproof. One of our favourite parts of the experience was enjoying a hot squash in our newly built homes. 

🖊 English: Ning Nang Nong Performance Poetry 🖊

We spent the first English lessons of this term learning all about performance poetry. We really enjoyed finding out about nonsense poetry too! We decided to create our own performance of Spike Milligan's nonsense poem: The Ning Nang Nong. Well done Emeralds! 

 🌟 Stunning Stoneage Start! 🌟


This term's stunning start introduced us to our fantastic new topic: Stone Age to Iron Age! We spent the first day investigating this prehistoric time was like. 


The first thing we did was examine Atone Age 'poo' to see what they ate in 7000 BC! We excavated our specimens to discover they ate grasses, berries and seeds. 


We then started to think about where they may have got these from- surely there wasn't a Tescos in the Stone Age?! We soon learned that they were 'hunter-gatherers', a term that means they foraged and hunted for their food. 


Knowing this, we made our own Stone Age stewed fruit. First, we had to forage for the ingredients (finding food in the playground that Miss James had 'gathered' from the Stone Age supermarket!) We then chopped our fruit, combined it with honey and seeds and stewed it. IT TASTED DELICIOUS... although some of us might disagree! 


To finish the morning, we learned all about the mysterious Stonehenge and even tried building our own mini versions. Even with tiny Jenga bricks it was difficult!!


In the afternoon, we discovered Stone Age humans started off by living in caves and that historians had discovered art they'd drawn in them. We decided to make our own inside our own classroom caves: the tables! 


We then timetraveled into the Iron Age and made tools. Unable to melt iron, we used tin foil instead! 


We can't wait to learn more about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age this term! 

❄️Autumn Term: Frozen Worlds ❄️

🎨 Design Technology: We've Made Board Games! 

This term in DT we made board games inspired by our topic: Frozen Worlds! 


We started off the unit by doing some market research. We spent the lesson playing board games and evaluating their effectiveness! We thought about what we might like to include in our own. 


We then spent the following lessons designing, constructing and creating our board games. Miss Bree and Miss James were amazed by all of the brilliant ideas! One of our favourite things to do was create counters out of shrinking plastic.


We then finished off the unit by playing each others board games and evalutating them!